Cleaner Oceans, Happier Future: Join the Sea Cleanup Crusade!
From marine biodiversity to eco-friendly practices, our content is a voyage into the heart of sustainable living. Explore the latest initiatives, join the global movement for cleaner oceans, and find practical tips to reduce your ecological footprint.
Together, let’s ride the waves of change toward a cleaner, healthier future for our seas and oceans.
Greek Marine Life Protection NGO’s
Mission & Vision
The non-profit company AENAOS THALASSA did not choose its name on chance. The word Thalassa (sea) denotes the main area we focus and act on. It is the subject we address and strive to protect, the sea.
Never forgetting that the marine environment constitutes an unbreakable sum, we aim our actions and interventions at the Euro-Mediterranean level, emphasizing more particularly on initiatives in Greece.
The word Aenaos (perpetual) was chosen to highlight the importance of a long-term, consistent approach in our strategy.
Sustainability is an inelastic requirement for any growth model, via a harmonious and two-way beneficial co-existence of humans and ecosystems and the replication of good practices by way of example.
AENAOS THALASSA, Perpetual Sea, also conveys the infinity of the marine environment… all fragile ecosystems and endangered species that we wish to protect, the islands and local communities, the people who make a living out of the sea, the marine protected areas, but also the holistic and continuous effort we intend to make for the conservation of the most important natural resource of our planet.
Mission & Vision
The non-profit company AENAOS THALASSA did not choose its name on chance. The word Thalassa (sea) denotes the main area we focus and act on. It is the subject we address and strive to protect, the sea.
Never forgetting that the marine environment constitutes an unbreakable sum, we aim our actions and interventions at the Euro-Mediterranean level, emphasizing more particularly on initiatives in Greece.
The word Aenaos (perpetual) was chosen to highlight the importance of a long-term, consistent approach in our strategy.
Sustainability is an inelastic requirement for any growth model, via a harmonious and two-way beneficial co-existence of humans and ecosystems and the replication of good practices by way of example.
AENAOS THALASSA, Perpetual Sea, also conveys the infinity of the marine environment… all fragile ecosystems and endangered species that we wish to protect, the islands and local communities, the people who make a living out of the sea, the marine protected areas, but also the holistic and continuous effort we intend to make for the conservation of the most important natural resource of our planet.
Mission & Vision
The marine environment has a key role in the balance of our planet. It is also a key factor for the social and economic prosperity of countless coastal communities, which is particularly evident in the Mediterranean regions as well. Aegean Rebreath, through its activities, aspires to introduce a new culture according to which less waste will be produced while encouraging recycling and upcycling of marine litter following the principles of the circular economy. Our goal is to highlight the importance of the quality of the marine environment for ecosystems, climate, the economy and society.
The marine environment has a key role in the balance of our planet. It is also a key factor for the social and economic prosperity of countless coastal communities, which is particularly evident in the Mediterranean regions as well. Aegean Rebreath, through its activities, aspires to introduce a new culture according to which less waste will be produced while encouraging recycling and upcycling of marine litter following the principles of the circular economy.
Our goal is to highlight the importance of the quality of the marine environment for ecosystems, climate, the economy and society.
Mission & Vision
The marine environment has a key role in the balance of our planet. It is also a key factor for the social and economic prosperity of countless coastal communities, which is particularly evident in the Mediterranean regions as well. Aegean Rebreath, through its activities, aspires to introduce a new culture according to which less waste will be produced while encouraging recycling and upcycling of marine litter following the principles of the circular economy. Our goal is to highlight the importance of the quality of the marine environment for ecosystems, climate, the economy and society.
The marine environment has a key role in the balance of our planet. It is also a key factor for the social and economic prosperity of countless coastal communities, which is particularly evident in the Mediterranean regions as well. Aegean Rebreath, through its activities, aspires to introduce a new culture according to which less waste will be produced while encouraging recycling and upcycling of marine litter following the principles of the circular economy.
Our goal is to highlight the importance of the quality of the marine environment for ecosystems, climate, the economy and society.
Mission & Vision
Established in 2017 by Katerina Topouzoglou, All For Blue was created with the goal of fostering a profound connection between individuals and the oceans that surround us. This is achieved through educational outreach programs and the firm commitment to organizing community clean-up initiatives. At the core of our philosophy lies the belief that by equipping people with knowledge, forging partnerships, and demonstrating unwavering dedication, we can effectively raise awareness about the pressing environmental issues affecting our oceans. Moreover, we strive to inspire and empower communities at every stop on our journey, encouraging them to take action and make a significant positive impact on our precious planet.
To effectively combat ocean pollution, it is crucial to actively engage in the removal of litter from both the ocean and its surrounding beaches. By taking direct action, we can contribute towards the preservation of marine life and the overall health of our oceans.
Additionally, it is important to raise awareness about the significance of our seas and oceans, emphasizing their role in sustaining life on Earth. The plastic removed at the cleanups is then upcycled into trash cans inspiring people to adopt the principles of cyclical economy.
Furthermore, promoting ocean-friendly lifestyle choices is essential in minimizing our impact on the environment. Encouraging individuals to adopt sustainable practices such as reducing plastic consumption, consuming fish that comes from sustainable fishing sources, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives can significantly contribute towards the preservation of our oceans and the well-being of future generations.
In addition, our experienced team of free and scuba divers participate in the rescue of marine animals.
Mission & Vision
Established in 2017 by Katerina Topouzoglou, All For Blue was created with the goal of fostering a profound connection between individuals and the oceans that surround us. This is achieved through educational outreach programs and the firm commitment to organizing community clean-up initiatives. At the core of our philosophy lies the belief that by equipping people with knowledge, forging partnerships, and demonstrating unwavering dedication, we can effectively raise awareness about the pressing environmental issues affecting our oceans. Moreover, we strive to inspire and empower communities at every stop on our journey, encouraging them to take action and make a significant positive impact on our precious planet.
To effectively combat ocean pollution, it is crucial to actively engage in the removal of litter from both the ocean and its surrounding beaches. By taking direct action, we can contribute towards the preservation of marine life and the overall health of our oceans.
Additionally, it is important to raise awareness about the significance of our seas and oceans, emphasizing their role in sustaining life on Earth. The plastic removed at the cleanups is then upcycled into trash cans inspiring people to adopt the principles of cyclical economy.
Furthermore, promoting ocean-friendly lifestyle choices is essential in minimizing our impact on the environment. Encouraging individuals to adopt sustainable practices such as reducing plastic consumption, consuming fish that comes from sustainable fishing sources, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives can significantly contribute towards the preservation of our oceans and the well-being of future generations.
In addition, our experienced team of free and scuba divers participate in the rescue of marine animals.
Mission & Vision
There are 7 different sea turtle species in the oceans of the world. Unfortunately, over the last 200 years, humans have made their survival hard. Here is why:
- Slaughtered for their eggs, meat, skin and shells, sea turtles suffer from poaching and over-exploitation.
- They are often victims of accidental capture and death in fishing gear.
- Plastic marine litter affect their health.
- Tourism has a negative impact on their nesting sites.
- Climate change is causing global sea level rise so narrow nesting beaches maybe lost under sea water. Also sand temperatures will be altered, affecting the sex of hatchlings.
Because of these, all species of sea turtles are considered conservation dependent. Two species are listed as “Critically Endangered” by IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, while one is listed as “Endangered”, three are listed as “Vulnerable” and one as “Data Deficient”. Notably these characterizations can be changed in the course of only a few years with notable example that of the Northwest Atlantic leatherbacks whose population went from “Least Concern” to “Endangered” in 6 years.
ARCHELON’s vision is that these threats are removed* and sea turtles continue to exist as part of nature
Threats are removed = humans understand, accept and respect Nature = undisturbed ecosystems, high quality of cultural landscapes.
ARCHELON designs and implements projects and actions for the conservation of sea turtles and their habitats, combining scientific work with volunteering service and aiming at mobilizing society through awareness and education for a better and sustainable planet.
We can all live together, this is the motto of ARCHELON since 1983!
Mission & Vision
There are 7 different sea turtle species in the oceans of the world. Unfortunately, over the last 200 years, humans have made their survival hard. Here is why:
- Slaughtered for their eggs, meat, skin and shells, sea turtles suffer from poaching and over-exploitation.
- They are often victims of accidental capture and death in fishing gear.
- Plastic marine litter affect their health.
- Tourism has a negative impact on their nesting sites.
- Climate change is causing global sea level rise so narrow nesting beaches maybe lost under sea water. Also sand temperatures will be altered, affecting the sex of hatchlings.
Because of these, all species of sea turtles are considered conservation dependent. Two species are listed as “Critically Endangered” by IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, while one is listed as “Endangered”, three are listed as “Vulnerable” and one as “Data Deficient”. Notably these characterizations can be changed in the course of only a few years with notable example that of the Northwest Atlantic leatherbacks whose population went from “Least Concern” to “Endangered” in 6 years.
ARCHELON’s vision is that these threats are removed* and sea turtles continue to exist as part of nature
Threats are removed = humans understand, accept and respect Nature = undisturbed ecosystems, high quality of cultural landscapes.
ARCHELON designs and implements projects and actions for the conservation of sea turtles and their habitats, combining scientific work with volunteering service and aiming at mobilizing society through awareness and education for a better and sustainable planet.
We can all live together, this is the motto of ARCHELON since 1983!
Mission & Vision
One of the main goals of Archipelagos is to bring together the expertise and know-how of the local and international scientific conservation community and to gain knowledge and experience that actively contribute to the conservation of the unique biodiversity hotspot of the Aegean Sea and the eastern Mediterranean.
Mission & Vision
One of the main goals of Archipelagos is to bring together the expertise and know-how of the local and international scientific conservation community and to gain knowledge and experience that actively contribute to the conservation of the unique biodiversity hotspot of the Aegean Sea and the eastern Mediterranean.

Founded: 1982
Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association; the pioneering voluntary commitment of Greek seafarers and ship owners to safeguard the seas from ship-generated pollution, undertaken in Piraeus, on June 4, 1982. Under the motto “To Save the Seas”, they have consistently supported their initiative to date.
Mission & Vision
Encourage Greek ship owning companies, operators, managers and agents wherever located, as well as masters, deck and engineer officers and seafarer members of the Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation to enlist in the Association as Members.
Nurture a high level of environmental consciousness within the ranks of the Greek maritime community with the means of education, information, motivation and publicity,
Cooperate with and assist the government of Greece on issues related to international laws and regulations designed for the protection of the marine environment and life at sea,
Encourage the human element of the Greek maritime community to comply with national and international legislation designed for the prevention of marine pollution and help establish the spirit of safety onboard,
Grant Membership to individuals in recognition of their voluntary commitment to pollution prevention and safety at sea,
Recognize achievements of individuals or corporate members of the Greek maritime community for exemplary performance in the fields of marine pollution prevention and safety.

Founded: 1982
Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association; the pioneering voluntary commitment of Greek seafarers and ship owners to safeguard the seas from ship-generated pollution, undertaken in Piraeus, on June 4, 1982. Under the motto “To Save the Seas”, they have consistently supported their initiative to date.
Mission & Vision
Encourage Greek ship owning companies, operators, managers and agents wherever located, as well as masters, deck and engineer officers and seafarer members of the Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation to enlist in the Association as Members.
Nurture a high level of environmental consciousness within the ranks of the Greek maritime community with the means of education, information, motivation and publicity,
Cooperate with and assist the government of Greece on issues related to international laws and regulations designed for the protection of the marine environment and life at sea,
Encourage the human element of the Greek maritime community to comply with national and international legislation designed for the prevention of marine pollution and help establish the spirit of safety onboard,
Grant Membership to individuals in recognition of their voluntary commitment to pollution prevention and safety at sea,
Recognize achievements of individuals or corporate members of the Greek maritime community for exemplary performance in the fields of marine pollution prevention and safety.
Mission & Vision
The aquatic environment as a precious heritage should be protected and restored in order to preserve biodiversity and ensure its vital functions that contribute to a clean, healthy and productive environment. Our goal is:
1) the protection of aquatic ecosystems through raising awareness and informing society about current environmental problems and good practices to address them,
2) promoting the adoption of measures and sound policies for the protection of the environment
3) the elaboration and promotion of scientific research, in order to be the basis for sustainable development with the aim of environmental, social and economic prosperity.
Mission & Vision
The aquatic environment as a precious heritage should be protected and restored in order to preserve biodiversity and ensure its vital functions that contribute to a clean, healthy and productive environment. Our goal is:
1) the protection of aquatic ecosystems through raising awareness and informing society about current environmental problems and good practices to address them,
2) promoting the adoption of measures and sound policies for the protection of the environment
3) the elaboration and promotion of scientific research, in order to be the basis for sustainable development with the aim of environmental, social and economic prosperity.
Mission & Vision
Greece is one of the richest countries in terms of biodiversity in Europe. It has an extended coastline of 15.000 km and more than 4.000 islands and islets of high natural and historical value.
Its special morphology and mild climate have favored a vast variety of terrestrial and marine ecosystems that host rare fauna and flora. Despite its unique natural value, the danger of environmental degradation and the drainage of marine resources due to rapid economic development is serious.
The aim of our initiatives is to yield both environmental and social benefits.
Local communities will be encouraged to attain long-term environmental goals while understanding that environmental protection and preservation are intricately linked to their future economic development and viability.
Mission & Vision
Greece is one of the richest countries in terms of biodiversity in Europe. It has an extended coastline of 15.000 km and more than 4.000 islands and islets of high natural and historical value.
Its special morphology and mild climate have favored a vast variety of terrestrial and marine ecosystems that host rare fauna and flora. Despite its unique natural value, the danger of environmental degradation and the drainage of marine resources due to rapid economic development is serious.
The aim of our initiatives is to yield both environmental and social benefits.
Local communities will be encouraged to attain long-term environmental goals while understanding that environmental protection and preservation are intricately linked to their future economic development and viability.